Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Launch Blockchain using ignite command

 # Launch Blockchain using ignite command

Using environment varialbe you setup chain name ( and later chain ID).


export proj=iochain

export chainid=327


Following commands need to be execute on Coordinator/Master Node


gh repo create mytestlab123/${proj} --public --description 'IO Chain'

time ignite s chain github.com/mytestlab123/$proj

cd $proj

git add -A

git commit -am "init"

git remote add origin https://github.com/mytestlab123/$proj.git

git remote -v

git push -u origin master

time ignite n chain publish github.com/mytestlab123/${proj} --chain-id $proj 


On Validator node, run following commands ( Here we have 3 different validators )


ignite n chain init ${chainid}

ignite n chain join ${chainid} --amount 95000000stake


On Coordinator node:


ignite n request list ${chainid}

ignite n request approve ${chainid} 3-4

ignite n request approve ${chainid} 5-6

ignite n request approve ${chainid} 6-7

ignite n request list ${chainid}


Once all validators are approve then *Launch the chain* on Coordinator node:


ignite n chain launch $chainid

# Check info details of the chain

ignite n chain show info $chainid

# Check the chain genesis file

ignite n chain show genesis $chainid

# Check all vesting and genesis accounts of the chain

ignite n chain show accounts $chainid

# Check all validators of the chain

ignite n chain show validators $chainid

# Check peers list of the chain

ignite n chain show peers $chainid


Once the chain is launched on Coordinator node then run following commands to join the blockchain network:


ignite n chain prepare $chainid

${proj}d start --home ${HOME}/spn/$chainid
